Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Night Fishing Tips For Crappie Fishing

I've spent the past few months resting my bad back which I injured in the garden, and now it's time for some quality night fishing and also some tips for those of you out there who share the same enthusiasm as I do for this activity. Today, I shall talk about crappie fishing tips, which is something really perfect for night fishing enthusiasts. It is much easier to get your hooks on them when the sun has set and everything is pitch dark as they come out in droves during that time, thinking that humans are all asleep and not able to pick them off. How wrong they are since there are people like me who refuse to go to bed like everyone else does and instead heads out to the waters not knowing whether I will be able to bring home any catch and just sitting alone in darkness as time whiles away.

Some say that night fishing is not just great for crappie fishing but also offers an opportunity for a person to get rid of any stress that might have accumulated during the day. Partly due to the eerie quiet of the night and the serenity of holding the rod can sometimes help to calm nerves as well as set one thinking deep thoughts. They fail to remember that sometimes it also involves bottom fishing at night which is a lot more work and not really allows you to rest sitting in the boat. Whatever it is, at the end of the day, it has to be fun and that is what crappie fishing at night is.

With the basic setup and tips in mind for night fishing, some reminders are still in order. Things like ensuring a backup set or rig is available is paramount to your safety and success, while make sure you do bring some extra lights and batteries, which is also quite essential for being able to get a decent enough catch of crappie fish. You wouldn't want to be stuck alone till dawn with them too due to having your lights run out.

Much of the trick of successful crappie night fishing lies in the control and manipulation of the light sources. Use too much of it and the fish could be frightened away, too little and you won't even know your left hand from the right. If you are using a Caroline Rig to drag across the bottom and making noise to attract the fish, then it does not matter so much. But if one prefers the technique of using light to draw attention of insects that are attracted to such heat sources, then it has to be done well to achieve a fine balance that keeps both the bugs and fish coming to you. The fish are actually interested in the bugs or other prey that are drawn to the light, which is a well known tip amongst most anglers.

Much of the skill lies in the light control. You will need to try to project your lights over and across the water rather than into it. This might not be enough to stir the attention of larger catch or the crappie fish targeted, but the smaller fish or other edibles might think that food is available or be tricked into daylight approaching. Their movements and actions will attract the crappie fish and that eventually makes them come out to feed. That is when your highest harvest and joy of night fishing will be realized as you draw in all the action and catch.

At the end of the day (or beginning, depending on when you sleep), night time crappie fishing with lights is not as difficult as it sounds. The right combination of night fishing lights, techniques, what lure to use, the right tackle are just about everything you need to know about the activity. You can even generally use the same methods in figuring out how to bass fish at night. It can be the perfect way to start fishing for beginners and sometimes, too many tips will hinder instead of allowing progress. So the best thing to do is simply to just go out there and get yourself a big catch.